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Birds of Sprotbrough flash (Part 1)

Writer: Martin RoperMartin Roper

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

A total of 194 bird species have been recorded at (YWT) Sprotbrough Flash since 1957 within a catchment area which comprises of the Flash, Pot ridings wood, Levitt hagg wood, Sprotbrough plantation, Limestone meadow, (TPT) Trans pennine trail and river Don at Sprotbrough. Additional areas where birds are known to travel into or through the catchment area have also been included for recording purposes. Listed below is part 1 of the comprehensive bird list (click to expand individual bird data). Sparrowhawk ringed in 2019.

 001 Mute swan cygnus olor

002 Bewick's /Tundra swan cygnus columbianus

003 Whooper Swan cygnus cygnus

004 Pink-footed Goose  anser brachyrhynchus

005 Greylag Goose anser anser

006 Snow Goose  anser caerulescens

007 Canada Goose branta canadensis

008 Barnacle Goose branta leucopsis

009 Brent (Brant) Goose branta bernicla

010 Egyptian Goose alopochen aegyptiaca

011 Shelduck tadorna tadorna

012 Mandarin Duck aix galericulata

013 Wigeon anas penelope

014 Gadwall mareca strepera

015 Eurasian Teal anas crecca

016 Mallard anas platyrhynchos

017 Northern Pintail  anas acuta

018 Garganey anas querquedula

019 Northern Shoveler anas clypeata

020 Red-crested Pochard netta rufina

021 Pochard aythya ferina

022 Tufted Duck aythya fuligula

023 Greater Scaup aythya marila

024 Common Eider somateria mollissima

025 Long-tailed Duck  clangula hyemalis

026 Common Scoter melanitta nigra

027 Goldeneye bucephala clangula

028 Smew mergellus albellus

029 Red-breasted Merganser mergus serrator

030 Goosander  mergus merganser

031 Ruddy Duck oxyura jamaicensis

032 Red-legged Partridge alectoris rufa

033 Grey Partridge perdix perdix

034 Pheasant phasianus colchicus

035 Fulmar fulmarus glacialis

036 Northern Gannet morus bassanus

037 Cormorant phalacrocorax carbo

038 Shag phalacrocorax aristotelis

039 Bittern  botaurus stellaris

040 Little Egret egretta garzetta

041 Great white Egret  ardea alba 

042 Spoonbill  platalea leucorodia

043 Grey Heron ardea cinerea

044 White Stork ciconia ciconia

045 Common Crane  grus grus

046 Little Grebe tachybabtus ruficollis

047 Great crested Grebe podiceps cristatus

048 Red-necked grebe  podiceps grisegena

049 Honey buzzard pernis apivorus

050 Red kite milvus milvus

051 Marsh harrier circus aeruginosus

052 Hen harrier circus cyaneus

053 Goshawk accipiter gentilis

054 Sparrowhawk  accipiter nisus

055 Buzzard buteo buteo

056 Osprey  pandion haliaetus

057 Kestrel falco tinnunculus

058 Merlin  falco columbarius

059 Hobby  falco subbuteo

060 Peregrine falcon  falco peregrinus

061 Ring-necked parakeet psittacula krameri

062 Water rail rallus aquaticus

063 Spotted crake porzana porzana

064 Moorhen gallinula chloropus

065 Coot fulica atra

066 Oystercatcher haematopus ostralegus

067 Golden plover pluvialis apricaria

068 Northern Lapwing vanellus vanellus

069 Little ringed plover  charadrius dubius

070 Ringed plover charadrius hiatcuka

071 Whimbrel numenius phaeopus

072 Curlew numenius arquata

073 Black-tailed godwit  limosa limosa

074 Dunlin calidris alpina

075 Grey / Red phalarope  phalaropus fulicarius

076 Common sandpiper actitis hypoleucos

077 Green sandpiper tringa ochropus

078 Spotted redshank tringa erythropus

079 Greenshank  tringa nebularia

080 Wood sandpiper  tringa glareola

081 Redshank tringa totanus

082 Jack snipe  lymnocryptes minimus

083 Woodcock  scolopax rusticola

084 Snipe gallinago gallinago

085 Little tern sternula albifrons 

086 Black tern childonias niger

087 Common tern  sterna hirundo

088 Roseate tern sterna douglii

089 Arctic tern sterna paradisaea

090 Long-tailed skua stercorarius longicaudus

091 Kittiwake  rissa tridactyla

092 Black-headed gull chroicocephalus ridibundus

093 Mediterranean gull larus melanocephalus

094 Common gull larus canus

095 Lesser black-backed gull  larus fuscus

096 Herring gull  arus argentatus

097 Yellow-legged gull larus michahellis

098 Iceland gull  larus glaucoides

099 Glaucous gull larus hyperboreus

100 Great black-backed gull  larus marinus



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